Pinned Community Posts

It would be nice if we could pin maybe 3 posts at the top of the Community tab. I say this because I have a welcome post and FAQ posts that are be buried when I make new posts. Having those pinned to that top would be so helpful.

Also, could there be a feature to link posts to different posts or even in stories (I wanted to link the FAQ post to the welcome post so subscribers could jump to it quickly if they wanted to). There’s no way to grab the link for an existing post and add it where I need to add it.


Pinned posts would be extremely helpful to me, since I have special indexes for each of my tiers. At least one pinned post would save my readers a lot of searching if they forgot the URL to their tier’s index.


We have officially added this to the roadmap! Thank you so much for this recommendation!


I would love to have the ability to pin 1-3 posts to the top of the Community, especially with my current Posting Schedule.

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