Customizable URLs on community posts and story texts

Links to community posts have the old URL that we’re given before the author customizes the URL name. I figured out that you can substitute your customized URL in the appropriate spot of the URL link, and the link will work, but it would be nice if the post URL incorporated the customized URL automatically. (It would also be nice if the link led to the post itself, not to the commenting form for the post.)

Thank you for making the story linkable with the customizable URL! But when the reader ends up on the text of the story, the text has the old URL (the noncustomized one). This means that, if the person comes to my Ream via a story, and then back out of the story to my Ream account, they see the old URL on my Ream account, rather than the customized URL.


This is a great point and an amazing room for improvement from us. We will definitely look to roll out an update like this soon! Storytellers Rule the World,
Michael and the Ream Team

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