Expand reader search feature beyond author name.

I would like the reader search feature to also search the novel or story name field, author tags, and the “is creating” field.



Totally! This is in the works. I’d hope we can implement major improvements to search by the end of this calendar year :).


While I do not think you should simply copy Royal Road, might I recommend looking to it as inspiration for features? You already have one feature that is not available on RR, which is the integrated subscription, instead of having to put early/bonus content offsite. But where you fall far behind is in discoverability.

While the search feature requested by the OP is important, it is only the tip of the iceberg in ways to increase discoverability.

But maybe put some thought into how you might want to do rating systems. The current 5-star system RR uses is okay, but some flaws have started to show. Getting a robust system rating system can be very difficult, and the later it gets adjusted for any weaknesses, the more likely it is that early users will be disproportionately affected, for good or ill.

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Our big update for this quarter is rolling out the beginning of discovery on Ream. So this is coming all soon :).

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