Advanced Reader Profile

So everything is basic right now. I appreciate the solid functionality, but when more features come out, the readers settings should increase as well.

Like picking the tags they prefer to read.
Pairing with that, an option to click “suggest books” and it pull up the best matching books/authors with said tags.

Also, being able to tag themselves!
So not only can a reader proudly say I’m a poor, seasonal, binge reader! But the authors can see a binge reader just subscribed and won’t feel so bad when they leave, or be proud when they stay for more than a season!!

Readers could make their own list of favorite books/authors for others to see on their profile.

I’m sure there is more, but I find these would be unique!


I really like this idea! Sometimes people want to tag exactly what they read to hopefully find a community among others who like those same genres. Since we’re all about fostering and building relationships here, I’d want my readers to be able to find other readers who love the same books as them through Ream, that way they can also find more authors who write the books they love and additional communities to feel welcomed into.


Agreed, as a reader I would love to easily be able to find the genres and tropes/tags I prefer and be able to avoid the ones I don’t enjoy. As an author, I would love to be able to see that a ‘Binge Reader’ stopped in and had their meal and that is why they are moving on, or that they want to hang out and see what is next on the menu!


Jumping on this because I like the idea, but I don’t want anything driven by algorithms (“if you like THIS then you might like THAT!!!”). I really like how substack has a “recommendations” feature that I control; I curate a list of fellow authors I read and enjoy. So it might be nice for both authors and readers to do that.

The “authors who use this tag” feature would be good, too, since it is more an “opt in” type of thing rather an the platform trying to push recs onto me. One of my fave things about AO3 is the filtering system they have for finding stories; not only can I chose fandoms, ratings, and pairings, but include/exclude any number of tags to find that one small selection of stories that match my tastes exactly.

The AO3 filtering system is fantastic, and I’d love to see similar on Ream.


Yes yes all of this! Ao3 filtering and search is so customizable and fantastic and allows for readers to find exactly what they want, not what an algorithm thinks they want. It would be awesome to use on Ream because of the extensive tagging and content tags. Readers could find so many niche stories that are EXACTLY what they want which makes them happy (and us happy for finding our target reader!)


Without a doubt this will come with time. Rolling out the basic reader profile is the first step that is coming in the next few months, and after that, these advanced features would be lovely!

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Great suggestions, thanks!

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