Expected 'quality' levels

I haven’t sen anything addressing this, so I’m wondering what is the expected ‘quality’ of a posted story on Ream.

does it need to be fully and professionally edited? is a pass through apps like Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid sufficient? are first draft okay, or only final drafts acceptable?

I’m just trying to get a sense of where I can fit Ream within my work flow process

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Hi Kindar and welcome to the Ream forum!

There is no particular level to measure your content to, and it really depends on how you want to connect with your community.

Some authors love getting feedback about an ongoing, unedited story.
Some authors write chapter by chapter, utilizing polls to let readers choose the directions of the story.
Some give their stories a first edit pass and then have their Beta reader tier view the story and offer feedback.
Some authors choose to upload their fully edited backlists, and do a drip release of chapters.
The possibilities are nearly endless with how you want to present a story. It’s all up to you and you are in full control of your content and how you present it.
Have fun!