Ream redirecting no matter the URL

I already put a ticket in about this last night (from my Ream hub). But the problem is bigger than I thought.

No matter which Ream URL I put into the search bar, it takes me to my author hub.

So, I can’t access any of the author subscriptions I’ve paid for. I was using Chrome when this started happening. It was after I got the message that a new version of Ream was detected, which offered a “download”. I figured you had some weird messaging going on there.

Today, my husband and I have tested this on Edge, Firefox & Safari. Whichever Ream link we click, it will redirect to the first Ream page we looked at on that particular browser. So, my husband can’t see any page but Shelby’s on Edge, or any page but Aisling’s on Firefox, and I can only reach my own page on Safari (I’m not logged in there). Chrome still just takes me to my hub because that’s where I’m logged in. I can navigate around my hub okay.

I’m trying to get a bit more info from friends, but they’re getting a download prompt that they don’t want to click on.

This is as much info as I can give you. But everything was fine until maybe midnight/1pm (BST).

This should be resolved! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

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