adding digital items and extra info

I have not done anything like a subscription before and I am stuck on something I decided to give my readers. I want to offer information that would help the reader from my personal wiki for the book, and some digital items like stickers. I also want to give the e-book once a fully publish the novel.

Can someone explain to me how I would be posting this.

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I’m fairly new to subscriptions, too, so I’ll provide a suggestion. For the wiki information, I would suggest a community post, and choose the audience you want to share it with.

For digital items, I’d do the same regarding community posts and attach a link to it. I use Bookfunnel for my eBooks, so I capture the Bookfunnel link and put it in the post. I would do the same with bookmarks using Payhip, which is free.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!

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I offer my story wiki as a Story on my Ream, and each chapter is a topic. Then I can publish it to whatever tier. Stories are easier to navigate than community posts, but as of now, I can’t include images in the stories. So it’s a bit of a trade off.

Like Denise, I deliver ebooks with Bookfunnel.

For any other digital rewards, I’d provide a coupon code to a product in my web store (I use WooCommerce, but there are lots of options, like Payhip) that’s specific to their email.

After reading the initial post, I have to ask, what is a wiki? I haven’t heard that before. Is it the same as a wikipedia page, and is it about you or the story? Thanks much.

Yes, sorta! “Wikipedia” is a portmanteau of wiki+encyclopedia. So all of Wikipedia – the articles, the links between them, the disambiguation pages – is a wiki.

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