Direct link to books for promo's

One of the big newsletters has opened a slot for serials - so I would add my book to their newsletter. Usually when authors do this they use a universal link or something that goes directly too the book and also features a book cover and description. I can’t seem to do this on Ream yet - unless there is an option I don’t know about.

Hi Isoellen!

Currently, Ream has direct links to an author’s page, specific chapter, community post and story.

Here’s how to grab the link to a chapter: How to Share the Link to a Specific Chapter in Your Story with Your Readers - Ream Help Center

To share a Community Post: How Public & Follower Chapters and Community Posts Work - Ream Help Center

To copy the link to your page, here’s the path:
Author Dashboard> Page tab> Copy Page Link button (lower right)

And, to share a direct link to your story here’s the path:
Author Dashboard> Stories path> 3 dots button on the lower portion of the Story> Copy Summary Link

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