Member exit survey

Do we have member exit surveys? I’m assuming my person dropped because they moved or their credit card expired, since she said on social media she needs to hop back in to read the latest chapters… But since I only have two members and wanted to send her a membership card, this feels like a huge bummer without knowing what happened.

Or can we have stats on things like failed payments? I suppose I should check Stripe to be sure…


I checked on the back-end for you :). This reader’s payment method has failed, so they did not actively cancel. Hopefully it goes through again soon. When they login to Ream they swill see a notification that their payment failed and to update it. We will definitely be coming out with exit surveys though! It’s great to have more visibility into why readers are unsubscribing.


This is a very cool idea!

Love Worderella’s suggestion. I’d like to second her. Thank you Ream Team!

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