Direct link to join a tier

Currently, there’s no direct URL to sign up for a tier. I would like to be able to provide a user with a link to, for example, my $3 tier. Ideally, this link would skip the tiers list/Info page and lead the user directly to create an account + sign up for that tier.

Use cases:

  • I write a blog about an upcoming story that will be exclusive to the $30 tier. I provide a link directly to sign up for that tier.

  • A new perk is coming to my $15 & $30 tiers. I would provide a link to sign up for each of these tiers, and when they click on the link, it automatically takes them to sign up for that particular tier.

  • I have a list of tiers on my website, with “Join” links that go directly to the sign up for that tier.


I second this! It would be very useful. The less clicking that users have to do, the better.