directing readers to my Author page

This will probably end up being a question with an obvious answer, but I haven’t found it, so I’m asking for help.

How do I direct a potential supporter to my author’s page? I’ve looked for a link, and couldn’t find it. I even went to the extend of searching for myself within the author lisitng, and I am not there (is this one a bug? I do have 2 stories that can be found through titles)

so how, exactly am I supposed to direct new traffic to my author’s page?

Hi Kindar!

There are a few ways to direct readers to your page or content.

You can use these tools and more as part of a marketing campaign, share with a newsletter list in an email or FB page/Author web page/business card/back matter of a book/anything you can think of!

Feel free to email our support team at if you have any other questions!

Support Team Lead

Thank you.
It was indeed obvious, in that I totally missed the ‘launch’ button