Please make schedules editable after they've been created!

I’ve created all my schedules for each tier and my followers and the public for my WIP and it works great. 1 chapter per week. I want to increase that to 2 chapters per week once I get into the swing of things, but I don’t see any way to edit my schedules. I don’t want to create new schedules as I’d like to be able to see the release of each chapter all in one place. I think a lot of authors would appreciate this update.

Hi Susan,

Thank you for your great suggestion!
We realize this is a pinch point for authors who find they need to edit their schedule, and this has already been suggested by several authors.
This has been added to the engineering list for a future scheduler update.

For now, here’s our comprehensive guide to scheduling that may offer some interim solutions:

Support Team Lead

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I’d like to add my vote to getting this done. the way things stand, scheduling is basically useless for me since I need to add chapters to the schedule as I write them, and that means that as they are, I have to delete the current schedule and rebuild it 3 times a week for each of my tiers.

since that neither practical not pleasant, I’m stuck having to manually publish each chapters as they reach their availability date.

EDIT, 5-30-2024
okay, and here I’m showing how much of a MAN™ I am. How to do what I need to do is nicely explained in the How-To file for the scheduling. I just never bothered looking for it.

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