Scheduling issues still happening?

I know the update was supposed to fix things, but I got three emails last week asking where the chapter was. I publish fortnightly and knew I’d scheduled up until May, so I logged on, and found that all of my chapters had been moved back and the schedule now ended in June. It looked like the scheduler thought it’d published but it hadn’t. Anyone else still having issues even after the update?

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Hi mariemistryauthor!

We’ve discovered a new factor in making a new schedule that may have affected the date your chapters were scheduled.

If you scheduled your first chapter released within 12 hrs from your current time, the system may not have time to create the remaining schedule.

You could see your first chapter release correctly, and then the second chapter release a week late. The following chapters would release correctly afterward.

To resolve this, you would have to release the second chapter manually.

To avoid this in future, create your new schedule, leaving a recommend 12 hrs (or more) between your current time and when the first chapter is released.

For example, you create your schedule at 12 noon on Monday and schedule your first chapter to release at 1am on Tuesday.

Our help guides will be updated to note this new parameter.



A better resolution to this would be a scheduler that works.

I can set a post to automatically publish on Reddit, Wordpress, Wattpad, Tumbr, etc within 5 minutes of the time I want it to go live, and it’ll do it!

This is a 100% solved problem on the internet. Please give us a functioning schedule system.

Also, I know I set my last chapter to publish more than 12 hours before the publishing date, and it still didn’t work properly. This is a really basic site functionality issue!

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This fix worked the first time I did it (I set the schedule a week in advance and that chapter published fine) but the chapter after that failed to publish again and I hadn’t touched or adjusted the scheduler since then :pleading_face:. Unfortunately because I’m not doing super quick releases I have to wait two weeks to see if any fixes work which I know isn’t helpful :sweat_smile: