Read Story button doesn't appear in Safari on mobile

When opening a book descriotion without being logged in, you can see the details of the book, including Image, title, description, audience, genre, sub-genres, tags, and content warnings. However, the “Read Story” does not appear in Safari (seen on both an iPhone 13 with iOS 17.1.2 and an iPhone 15 Pro on iOS 17.3).

Here’s an example, where I have scrolled as far to the bottom of the page as I can:

This occurs regardless of whether the address bar is set to be at the top or bottom of the interface.

Unlike the issue reported at After expanding story details, continue reading button goes away, this happens even if the story details have not been expanded.

The odd thing is that if I open the same book description using the webapp, the button appears as I would expect:

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This will be fixed in the next update :).

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