Scheduling time? or Multiple selection to publish

On the scheduling page, what time zone is the release time referring to? I’m hoping it’s my (the author’s) time zone wherever we are. I tried to release a batch of chapters (44 chapters out of 102) by using the scheduler and telling it to publish a few minutes later, so I can see it done… But nothing happened. Am I missing something? I wanted to do that for 3 of my tiers. I find it a bit crumbersome. I would rather have the option to select multiple chapters and publish them in one go to one or more tiers. Similarly, for any other function on the page, we should be able to select multiple chapter as an additional option to publishing all or unpublishing or unscheduling all.
The publish now feature is too slow for doing multiple chapters.


Yeah, this is slow and cumbersome.

In addition, I would like to be able to click on one, then shift-click on a second chapter, and have all chapters in between selected.


I’m pretty sure the time in the scheduler is UTC.