Story Visibility

What Threshold does a story have to cross before it will be visible in the searches?
My Science Fiction story, Tristan, has 11 chapters published, the first one viewable by the general public, but when I did a search for all the science fiction stories, it wasn’t there. I then did the search on a different browser without logging in, in case Ream automatically removed a writer’s story from the searches they did, and again, it wasn’t there


It’s one of those black-box mysteries to me as well. My story “Under the Arch” is still not showing up, with intros and two long chapters (totalling 17,000+ words). On the other hand, my “Gina Gets Lucky” started showing up when I had published about 15,000+ words in four chapters plus front matter. Some clarification would be helpful. I’ll reformat UTA later today to see if it changes visibility.


I just segmented “Under The Arch” into 15 Scenes within 2 Chapters, plus the Intro and front matter. As soon as I published it all again and checked the front end, there it was under “Science Fiction”! So Kindar, the answer seems to be a combination of word count and number of published “chapters”.

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Wow, this is really discouraging. I write SF flash fiction, so if there’s a threshold for story length to be seen, I’ll never make it. :unamused:


In my experience, there isn’t a word count threshold to show up in Discovery. I have snapshot stories between 500 to 600 words that show up.

I haven’t done a search for them.specifically though.

I find the same thing. Sometimes there sometimes not. Recently two of my stories seemed to have lost their covers…but I haven’t changed them at all and they still show up on my backend. Plus erotica is still showing up despite having the mature filter on. I think their discoverability has become a mixed up mess as they’ve tried to make changes.

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