Ability to add an image to "About the author"

In fact, being able to use HTML on the main profile page would be super. But at the very least, I’d like to be able to add an image, so that I can show prospective subscribers a preview of what my private e-book library (which is my benefit) looks like.


Hi Dusk,

As with all suggestions or feature requests, we appreciate every one, either in the forum or sent directly to our support team at support@reamstories.com.

Every one is noted in detail and sent to our engineers. Many have already been suggested by other authors through the above, at in person events like 20Booksto50K or in our FB groups.

Either way, we appreciate it. Keep ‘em comin’!

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I would love to have an image in “About” too! I want to use it to show off the current month’s release calendar as well as a branded tier benefits chart.