Ream could learn from Smashwords

I would encourage Ream to do a website study on Smashwords and Amazon. Readers want to see the things they like to read. Smashwords has an option on the reader profile to turn erotica on. I think this is a great option for clients. This would allow individuals more control over what they see.

Also, the tag search needs an overhaul. The search should be a collection of author-provided tags. If an author lists “egg salad” as a tag, it should appear when anyone types it in the search line. Many websites gather the tags and then use those as the basis for the search. This would help readers find new authors who write in genres they enjoy.


Hi AGStarlight! Welcome to Ream!

Thanks for your great feedback.

New filtering for Mature Stories on Ream. Don’t want to see Mature covers or stories on Ream? Good news. We will be updating our ratings filtering system so that readers who opt out of viewing Mature stories will not see any on the platform. When readers create their accounts, they will be asked whether they want to view Mature content or not. For more on how Ream defines Mature content check out our Content and Community Guidelines.

We’re also constantly tweaking our Discovery algo. As you likely know, algorithms learn at a geometric rate, so the more examples it has (more genre, author and tag searches) the better it will be able to show you content more accurately.

Discovery is just a little over 2 months old and is still very much in the learning phase and we are a small bootstrapped team that is always running to keep up! Thanks for everyone’s patience while we work to make your experience better.

Thanks again!
Support Team Lead