Changing a typo erases all comments and engagement

I have tried populating my chapters with authors notes from me and am trying to encourage engagement. I made a change to one little thing and it wiped out all of the comments and engagement for the whole chapter.


Yup, this happened to me months back. Don’t change your chapter titles, either, that will wipe all engagement. My community hasn’t recovered since that glitch happened. No one has left any reactions or comments since… June? It was a critical error on my part, and it’s been depressing to see how it affected engagement. I went from having a super enthusiastic reader who I hoped would engage others to participate, to literal silence. Sadly, I was adding numbers to my chapter names, so I wiped out ELEVEN chapters of engagement, thus the catastrophic failure.


OH this is good to know. I hope this gets fixed pronto, I can’t imagine not having the ability to go back and change things if errors are pointed out or smth!


Well, crap! I wish I’d read this last week. I’ve only had one person commenting so far, but now that’s even wiped out. Lesson learned. I hope this is fixed SOON.


We will be adding the ability for authors to edit chapters and not lose comments. It requires us adding an entirely new ability to manage comments, which will take some time. But this is coming!


Glad to hear it is a priority! In the meantime you might consider putting a warning pop-up/alert to let authors know about this issue whenever they are updating an existing chapter (if you haven’t already, I honestly did not check b4 writing this!).


This is definitely an issue I run into a few times a week. As a workaround I make sure that:
1: I tell my readers that their remarks will be removed once the chapter is updated and saved.
2: I added a section at the end of the book called; “Ream Stories Proofreaders” that credits everyone who found and marked a typo or other error that will improve the book when it’s corrected.

It’s not the best solution, but I’ll keep the Proofreader credit list even after the comments can be preserved because they deserve recognition.


Has this been fixed? I have not tested it, so just checking here to see if anyone knows.


I have also been wondering the status of this!


Me too. It didn’t occur to me that this would happen. I really just want to add author notes to my chapters at this point, but cleaning up any errors that readers might find will be a priority once this is fixed.

Any idea when you’ll get to it?


Just wanted to note that my community never recovered from this error. I have received two hearts since last June 2023, and I’ve been posting chapters and community posts. Either my members are naturally quiet, or my (the system’s) flub murdered my engagement.

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