NSFW Covers on Homepage - Please address

This was brought up with the Discovery launch but has not been addressed: Even with mature content turned off, nudity and NSFW images are showing up on the Home page.

I have ZERO issue with erotica personally. But as a PG-13(ish) non-romance author, I feel very uncomfortable directing my audience and potential readers to Ream right now. Having topless/nude photos and mentions of explicit sex acts in the cover images immediately on the home page is not great for a general audience anyway, but having it pop up with mature content toggled off is really problematic for non-spicy authors.

PLEASE make this a priority. I love this platform and want to shout it from the rooftops. But its hard enough getting readers to opt into a new platform as is. This issue actively hurts those marketing efforts.


Hello Kristen! I have good news. We are creating a filter that allows readers to filter out all mature covers if they have not selected to view mature content. And we are creating a new static home page for readers and authors that go to reamstories.com who don’t yet have accounts that will focus on highlighting features of the platform instead of any specific story (since without being able to personalize stories to them, it is quite difficult to do so and we can run into issues like you are describing). Our next update will feature the change to the rating/filtering system. And we are actively prioritizing a home page update. No promise on when, but Ream’s first birthday is on May 7!


Appreciate the update and the news about the new homepage ideas specigically. (I made this post before the recent update emil but it didnt get approved until after).

I look forward to hearing more at the Summit!

UPDATE! We’ve just released a feature to be able to turn Mature Content on or off in Discovery!

Michael is sending his email shortly, but here’s a quick preview:

The TDLR: Readers can opt in or opt out of viewing Mature stories in Discovery on Ream (specifically Story Search, For You, Rising Reamers, and the Genre Lists).

This is part of our homepage revamp, making the Ream platform more welcoming for All readers.
