Scheduling Dashboard

So, I am routinely sharing what I’ve been up to on Ream, either to Public/Followers or on my Youtube channel or my mailing list.

But because of how the site is organized, this is an utter pain in the ass. I have to remember what projects are currently being shared, go into each scheduler individually, then jot down what posted there. It’s very slow, and like I said, a complete pain in the ass.

It would be nice to have a dashboard that showed what is upcoming, what has recently posted etc. (in stories and the Community Posts). This would also help us to see if there is an issue with the scheduler as it would all be under one umbrella, not searched individually. At current, it is very easy not to notice that something didn’t go out on schedule.


This is a great idea and addition for the author dashboard. Like which chapter is each tier on per story, very high level but actionable.

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