Welcome Post for Each Tier

The ability to create tier-specific “welcome to my subscription!” posts that a reader would see right after signing up is something I’d really like to have.

Currently I’m writing tier-specific welcome posts to be in the Community tab, but I think eventually they’ll disappear in the feed.

The posts I write have a graphic (different for each tier), a “welcome/thanks for joining” message, and then any important information regarding their subscription. It’s a sort of onboarding experience to the subscription.


We have good news :). Custom welcome posts for each tier will be in Ream’s next update.

From the Ream Team :slight_smile:


Yesssssssss. Thank you!

For new followers, too, pretty please? :slight_smile:

Soon! We are working on rolling out following on Ream (with you getting all your readers emails) this summer. You should start to see more of that roll out week by week in July and august :slight_smile:

From the Ream Team :slight_smile:


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